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 e-Biz Concepts

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  The e-Business W@tch is an initiative of the
European Commission
Enterprise Directorate General
E-business, ICT industries and services.

  The European e-business policies portal - a one-stop-shop, on-line environment for all European e-business initiatives.

  The eBusiness legal portal offers information on all legal aspects of e-business, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

  eMarket Services: a guide to B2B e-markets, co-funded by the the EC / DG Enterprise.


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Topic History of: Help bibliography about E-Busines
Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)
Author Message
Angel M.


Si necesitas cual quier informaci�n al respecto creo que lo mejor ser�a
que me escribieras y me contar�s exactamente sobre que tema en concreto
necesitas informaci�n.

[email protected]


Hi Ana,

I am studying European Management in London and have B2B e-commerce as
one of my main subjects.

During my studies, I came across many good books. I think these 4
are somehow good to start with.

1) \"managing business relationships\", David Ford, 2nd edition, ISBN
0-470-85125-2, ch. 7-9

2) "Business-to-business Marketing" Michel et al., ISBN 0-333-92195-X,

3) "Electronic Commerce", Gary P. Schneider, ISBN 0-619-15955-3

4) \"E-Business and E-Commerce Management\", Dave Chaffey, ISBN 0273

Well, there are thousants of books on e-commerce and e-business and
\"online Marketing\".

The difficulty in this new area is, that each author is defining the
terms in a different way. It turns out that the Internet is such a hype
for many that everybody is trying to jump on the bandwagon and write
about this topic. Usually with little academic research.

So I suggest, you first think about, what you are really looking for,
and in what kind of area you are really interested in. That makes you
able to narrow down this REALLY broad area. (Do you know the difference
of \"e-Commerce\", \"e-business\" and \"online-Marketing\" ??)
Some Germans like to use this fancy terminology to show off their
\"knowledge\" in this new wave of Internet culture. These terms
are often used interchangeably and they generate confusion among
the 'Normal-Sterblichen'.

Then start looking for books and articles in that specific area (you
can cover other areas later). Do look for academic journals and artices
(use or try university libraries.

I recommend to start with an article from Michael E Porter \"Strategy
and the Internet\", Harvard Business Review, March 2001, Vol. 79, Issue
3 and the book from D Chaffey.

You said "I am very creative and I have to jump from the financial world to the
other part of the wall : )".
Well, don't be fooled by all this fuzz around Internet. If you look for
creativity, then you might look for Web-Design and Web-programming.
E-Commerce or E-business have usually little to do with creativity.
This is more strategy and corporate controlling.

You will find out...

All the best for your future !!!



Ana Grand�val


Dear friends,

I work for a languages courses company in Germany in the finance
department since 3 years, though I have studied in Spain and in Holland
International Marketing I have no working experience in
Marketing and I am very interesting in the E-Business field. I am
looking for a new challenge and a new job and I need to know about
E-commerce or E-business..Online Marketing, like the germans call it. I
am very creative and I have to jump from the financial world to the
other part of the wall : )

I have read some books of Jakob Nielsen about Web Usability and Norman
and I found them very interesting. I have some nice colleagues
which are going to help me by learning about the internet (in the
practice) but I have to learn how the Internet changed the world, how
business are done with Internet and I am open to every single tip, link or internet site or books that
you could suggest me. It could be in spanish,english or german.

Thank you very very much in advance



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The e-Business W@tch is being implemented and operated by empirica Gesellschaft f�r Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (Bonn)
in co-operation with DIW Berlin - German Institute for Economic Research and Databank Consulting spa (Milan), Berlecon Research,
IDATE, PLS RAMB�LL Management, and Saatchi & Saatchi Business Communications