The policy context
The e-Business W@tch is an initiative of the European Commission,
Directorate-General Enterprise. The political objective of this initiative
is to improve policy understanding of the impact of e-commerce at macro
and microeconomic level, industrial, regulatory and employment levels.
The general purpose of the e-Business W@tch is to develop and test a methodology
for firm-level case studies, in order to build a picture of the uptake
of e-commerce among enterprises and sectors, and produce national, cross
country and cross sector research reports.
The periodic reports submitted by the market watch function
will be based on a set of results comparable across economic sectors and
countries. This helps Enterprise DG to find out how enterprises are integrating
the e-commerce concepts into their business practice, both in qualitative
and quantitative terms. Second, the market watch helps the Commission
to identify and understand the structural changes happening both at macro
and micro economic level. Third, the figures produced allow to benchmark
enterprises within the same sector from different regions, different sectors
among them and eventually, European performance vis-à-vis other
world regions. Fourth, the reports elaborated from the market watch go
well beyond the purely statistic analysis as they will integrate raw data
with the study of market and technological developments and trends, and
put EU developments in the global perspective.