e-Business Policy in EU Member States Austria: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit - Federal
Ministry of Economics and Labour- Division for Innovation and Technology
- Policy ebusiness - an initiative of the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Labour to support the implementation of e-business ecaustria.at - platform for e-business information,
service and events supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and
Labour, Bank Austria, the Federation of Austrian Industry etc. Belgium: Ministry of Economic Affairs Ministry of Economic Affairs - Information Society sector Ministère de la Région wallonne Denmark: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs The Danish Agency for Trade and Industry Finland: Ministry of transport and communication Ministry of transport and communication: Position concerning
Information Society Ministry of Trade and Industry France: Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry - Forum for
Information Society ADIT: Technological Information Distribution Agency
- collection, editing and distribution of international scientific and
technological information in order to support the development of French
businesses Germany: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology: Political
activities in the field of Information society ebusiness academy - Project of the Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology and impulse.de (Business magazine): background
information on e-business for SMEs Greece: Greek Information Society website - IT statistics and
overview on Greek IT policy National Network of Research and Technology ebusiness forum go-online.gr Ireland: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Enterprise Ireland resource for e-business - co-operation
between government and Irish companies: features information and events
concerning e-business Forfas - The National Policy and Advisory Board for
Enterprise, Trade, Science, Technology & Innovation Italy: Ministry of Innovation and Technology Ministry of Innovation and Technology - Position of
the government concerning the information society Ministry of Productive Activities Standing Observatory on e-commerce (Ministry of Productive
Activities) Ministry of Communications Ministry of Economics and Finance Luxemburg: eLuxembourg: Governmental homepage on information society Ministry of Economy The Netherlands: Ministry of Economic Affairs Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Portugal: Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology: information society
sector Direcção-Geral da Indústria Spain: Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology: Telecommunications
and the information society Ministry of Economy Sweden: Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications:
IT Policy Swedish Alliance for Electronic Commerce United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry UK online for business - a programme supporting the
implementation of information and communication technologies within companies e-Envoy: initiative of the British government to support
internet penetration and e-business |