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Workshop: ICT and e-Business Implications
for Energy Consumption

7 February 2008, Brussels

Venue: Hotel Bloom, rue Royale 250, 1210 Brussels


The role of ICT and e-business in shaping energy needs and energy consumer behaviour has increased tremendously. ICT and e-business can help to reduce energy consumption and thus costs by reorganising production processes, but it can also lead to additional demand for energy due to new products and services provided and the energy consumption of the ICT capital stock itself.

The objective of this workshop was to present preliminary findings of a current study on ICT implications for energy consumption by the Sectoral e-Business Watch, to discuss wider aspects of the topic and possible implications for policy actions and future research requirements.

The workshop gathered about 30 experts from research, the ICT and energy industries and from policy. The workshop was organised by GOPA-Cartermill in cooperation with the Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior at the E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University.

Programme, Presentations and Conclusions