

eBiz Key Reports

eBiz Studies

eBiz Statistics

eBiz Events

Advisory Board


Project Team

Short Cuts

Related actitivies

Data by sector

Manufacturing and construction sectors

Rev 1.1
e-Business sector data
Most recent data (.xls)
Earlier data (.xls)
15 Food and beverages
17, 18,19 Textile, clothing and footwear
17, 18 Textile and clothing
19.3 Footwear
21 Pulp, paper and paper products
22 Publishing and printing
24, 25 Chemical, rubber and plastics industry
24.4 Pharmaceutical industry
27.1-3, 27.51-52 Steel
28 Metal products manufacturing
29 Machinery and equipment manufacturing
30, 31, 32 Manufacture of electronics & electrical machinery
30, 32.1+2 ICT manufacturing
32.3 Consumer electronics
34, 35 Transport equipment manufacturing
34 Automotive industry
35.11 Shipbuilding and repair
35.3 Aeronautics industry
36.12-14 Furniture
45 Construction
(various) Craft' & trade sectors

Financial services

Rev 1.1
e-Business sector data
Most recent study (.xls)
Earlier studies (.xls)
64, 65 Banking and leasing
66 Insurance and pension funding

Retail and other services

Rev 1.1
e-Business sector data
Most recent study (.xls)
Earlier studies (.xls)
52 Retail
55, 62.1, 63.3 92.3+5 Tourism
60.24, 63, 63.11, 63.12, 63.40 Transport services and logistics
70 Real estate services
72, 64.2 ICT services
64.2 Telecommunications
72 IT services
74 Business services
85 Health and social services
85.11 Hospital activities

Special topics

e-Business cross-sectoral studies data
Most recent study (.xls)
Intellectual property rights for ICT-producing SMEs
RFID adoption and implications

Survey results (2003, 2005, 2006): cross-sector comparisons