19-20 May 2008
Crowne Plaza Brussels City Center - Le Palace (at Place Rogier)
Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
The conference gathered speakers and delegates from business, government, public sector initiatives, universities, ICT service providers and consultants. It was a major venue for discussing the latest trends in ICT usage by business, and implications for competition and policy.The event brought together people who are confronted with these issues in their work, albeit in different ways. Participants included:
The conference was organised by the European Commission's "Sectoral e-Business Watch" programme, which presented the results of its recent studies (2007/08) on e-business adoption in specific sectors. Invited keynote speakers from industry, government and academe offered complementary views for discussion. The objectives of this event were to identify the key trends in the field, to discuss different scenarios of their impact for business, and thus to support decision-makers in policy and business in their work. It was the fifth e-Business Watch Conference since the first one in 2003.
Ronald Mackay , Unit B/2 Development of Industrial Policy, DG Enterprise and Industry
In manufacturing industries, ICT has enabled significant innovations in production and supply chain processes in recent years. As international competition increases, e business could become even more important. This session will inform about related trends and challenges in different sectors.
Philip Powell, Professor, University of Bath
The retail, transport and logistics services sectors are underpinning the whole economy: the quality and innovativeness of their services are key for the efficient movement of goods, services and people. This session discusses the role and implications of ICT for these service sectors, including an assessment of the current and future potential of RFID technology.
Questions & answers
Pierre Vigier, Deputy D/1, DG Enterprise and Industry
It is widely recognised that ICT is a major enabler of product and process innovation in companies. This session presents results from recent studies in this field and discusses implications for policy: what should be done to exploit the potential benefits of ICT more effectively and to enhance the innovativeness of European companies?
Andr� Richier, Principal Administrator, DG Enterprise and Industry
Experts warn of an increasing shortage in the supply of "e-skills" which could hamper the competitiveness of European companies. This sessions aims to bring structure into the debate: what types of "e skills" do companies need? Where exactly are the shortages in supply? What could / should to be done to amend the situation and by whom?
Hasan Alkas, DG Enterprise and Industry
This session introduces various approaches to study the economic impact of ICT in a sectoral perspective. Selected findings of this research are presented. The session is expected to contribute to establishing a policy-oriented research agenda for the future: What kind of further evidence do policy makers need? Which methodological approaches (e.g. micro-data vs. macro-data analysis) are most promising to deliver this evidence?
Peter O'Donnell
Promoting the adoption of ICT and e-business in enterprises is widely recognised as a relevant goal for economic and innovation policy. In this session, policy makers and industry representatives discuss challenges, opportunities and new approaches in the design of ICT policies.
Jean-Noel Durvy, Director, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
For e-Business Watch Advisory Board members only -- Presentation and discussion of the Sectoral e-Business Watch work programme for 2008/09: thematic priorities & methodological approach