Workshop at DIW Industrial Conference
E-business in manufacturing industries: A source of competitive advantage?
Berlin, 11 May 2005
The main objective of the workshop was to discuss whether and how
investment in e-business technology can lead to sustainable competitive
advantage. The focus of the workshop was on three manufacturing sectors
of the EU, namely pharmaceutical, automotive and machinery & equipment
Programme and Conclusions
- Workshop programme, 44
- Summary and conclusions, 55
Chair and Speakers
Chair: Tapani Mikkeli, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry,
Deputy Head of Unit
Speakers: Philipp Koellinger (DIW Berlin), Daniel Nepelski (DIW Berlin),
Jerzy Kopiec (itelligence Poland), Andreas Stiehler (Berlecon Research),
Brigitte Preissl (DIW Berlin), Cécile Pompanon (French Federation
of Mechanical Engineering Industries), Michael Latzer (Academy of Sciences
- E-Business Related Activities of the European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry
(Tapani Mikkeli, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry), 77
- Good performers, bad performers – empirical evidence on e-business
usage, innovation, and corporate performance (Philipp Koellinger,
DIW Berlin), 85
Sectors in Focus
The workshop provided new insights into the how and why e-business
technologies remain an important topic for firms in the manufacturing
industries. There was general agreement that the potential of ICT in
general and e-business in particular are far from being exhausted.
- Automotive industry: E-business and value chain transformation
(Daniel Nepelski, DIW Berlin), 93
- Automotive industry: Integration of logistic processes (Jerzy Kopiec,
itelligence Poland), 3.681
- Pharmaceutical industry: RFID and Auto-ID approaches (Andreas Stiehler,
Berlecon Research), 447
- Machinery and equipment industry: E-business strategies (Brigitte
Preissl, DIW Berlin), 208
- E-business trends in industrial engineering (Cécile Pompanon,
French Federation of Mechanical Engineering Industries), 279