Milan, 14 Oct. 2005
The e-Business W@tch workshop on "Supply Chain Integration and Interoperability Standards in the Textile Industry” was organised in cooperation with the Tex-Weave initiative and hosted by TextileItaly and ATI, the Italian Textile and Clothing industry Associations.
Tex-Weave is a standardisation initiative of CEN (the European Committee for Standardisation), promoted by EURATEX (the European Apparel and Textile Association). The aim of Tex-Weave is to define a common reference model for data exchange and enterprise networking in the European textile and clothing (T&C) industry.
Chair: Piero De Sabbata (ENEA)
The morning session of the workshop discussed the state of integration in the sector supply chain (textile and clothing) and implications on competition. E-business has a considerable impact on supply chain integration, in particular the use and role of standards in B2B communication.
The afternoon session of the workshop took a broader perspective on interoperability issues in electronic business, comparing the situation in the textile industry to the one in other industries. Presentations outlined existing interoperability frameworks and assess the status of the textile industry relative to other sectors.